“Hope Through Holiness” is a 501C non-profit, Independent Holiness/Pentecostal Ministry of the Roberts Family.
The charge that God has given us for Panama
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. 2Timothy 2:2
Jesus said, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 In the mountains of Chiriqui, Panama is Boquete a rugged yet fruitful area, which produces coffee requiring many field laborers. In close proximity, lies the Ngobe-Bugle Indian Reservation being remote with severe poverty. Needy and seeking a better life, these people leave the reservation to work in the coffee fields. In 2013, the Lord led us into this area to teach salvation and that Jesus Christ could meet all needs. Through His mighty power; doors opened for us to hold outdoor services in several of the work camps! Soon thereafter, we established separate groups on two mountains; Jaramillo (open pavilion) and Alto Quiel where we are converting a house into a church. Many have surrendered their hearts to Jesus and are spiritually maturing. They faithfully gather to preach, sing, pray and worship God; during the few months we spend in the U.S.
Our desire is to fulfill 2 Timothy 2:2 and commit these new converts to teach the word of God to their own people deep in the jungles of the reservation.
Pray that God would daily guide our footsteps in His will.
John, Kim, Liberty & Justice Roberts